
Louise van Heerden

The Mirror Bible, Francois’ work with the translation, has changed my view of God, who I am, and how he sees us, and I cannot recommend this enough! Francois wrote Jesus back into the Bible, gifted us with the original intent, and helped me see how it applies to daily life. As I read, I often laugh and cry as it feels like TONS of religious nonsense fall off my shoulders. This truly is an incredible work and reflects God’s heart for us in a way that I have not seen other translations portray. A thousand times, YES!, this is such an incredible work, created by people with beautiful hearts.

Alan F. Bradley

This wonderful paraphrased collection from the Greek New Testament by Francois du Toit is the most refreshing and enlightening translation I have EVER read. Seriously. To my knowledge, no one else has so painstakingly done a translation quite like this, and I’ve pretty much read them all. Every bit of God’s glorious truth is accurately retained and boldly expressed but in a fresh conversational form that takes the reader even deeper into God’s inspired revelation of himself. Reading the Mirror Bible is as if you are in a small restaurant sitting across the table from Paul, John, James, or Peter as they explain the Word to you personally. The language Francois chose to use strictly expresses the accurate meaning and with tender reverence, but all in a delightful conversational tone that my modern ears and sensibility can grasp quickly and thoroughly enjoy. This translation is helping me to learn new things and grow in my walk with the Lord. Five stars without any reservation – highly recommended!


Dear Francois and Lydia,

Over the past few years, I have been asking questions and journaling things that, given my upbringing, were nothing short of Heretical.  I didn’t know what to make of it, only that things didn’t add up, didn’t make sense.  The God I was growing to know and the God taught to me were not one and the same. 15 Months ago I was talking with my friend and she shared a scripture out of the Mirror with me that caused an electric shock to run through my body. I was overwhelmed with Joy like I had never known before.  I purchased one that day (I’ve actually purchased several since then as I keep giving them away!) I couldn’t put it down. All the things God had been ministering to me were confirmed and reflected on these pages.

Since then everything in my life has changed. My desires, my values, my perceptions of others and their value, my language, my world, my everything! …… I want to share it with everyone I meet… How could I possibly be silent when the world needs to know how wonderful they really are!!!

Naomi Hayward Testimony

My hele lewe en die aanskoue van my bestaan vorentoe van dag by dag, het oombliklik verander toe my geestes oe oop gegaan het met n nuwe denkwyse dat ek in n soomlose eenheid in Hom Jesus Christus ingeweef is. Die sleutels vd Koninkryk het binne my begin klinkel soos klokkies en het net nog nie opgehou nie. Openbarings op openbarings, maar daar is teenkanting, maar Hy gee wysheid. Ek geniet my Mirror Studie bybel, dis soos nuwe klere wat ek aanpas en sommer aanhou.

Shelton and Rudo Mudyaro Testimony
Dearest Francois and Lydia
How’re you doing my precious beloved Francois and Lydia and I hope
that this mail finds you well and in good health,
Firstly I want to express our utmost appreciation for your love and
the financial support that you’re giving us it’s really taking us a
very long way in our family and our ministry here in Zimbabwe and
across Africa.
Last month I embarked on a Mirror Word outreach in Nairobi which was a
follow up to my last outreach in 2017 where I had an opportunity to
pay a visit to former Mirror Word attendees that included Bonface
Odhiambo, Raphel Saitoti, David Wainana, Joshua Parkisua and Joshua
Mutinda and we made new friends again last including James Juma from
meru county,
I started in Nairobi where we had a Mirror Word meeting with Bonface
and some leaders from around Nairobi and Kikuyu and a lot of leaders
embraced the Mirror message and after that, we went to Meru county
where I met Mike from the USA who represents charis in Kenya and it’s
known as Neema bible school and their director from Maua arranged that
I speak to their pastors from around that County over three days and
they embraced the Mirror Word and the Paraphrased translation of the
Mirror bible and also the book divine embrace we saw over 80 leaders
from neema coming to attend these meetings.
After that, we had an opportunity to meet leaders from Nkubu sub-county
where James is doing incredible work with the leaders there and we
presented the Mirror bible to him to equip him and the leaders there
with the Mirror message, last year we powerfully resourced him with
materials by Francois du Toit including teachings on videos and audios
and he’s done incredible work.
After that, I went to Kakamega county about 14 hours from Nairobi
towards Uganda where we had an opportunity to do a short Word school
with Nico Demas and we saw over 150 leaders and Saints coming together
to hear the Mirror message and he requested that we set up a Mirror
bible school there in Shatsala village of Buteresub-county so that we
fully equip the leaders and the Saints in Kakamega county.
After that, I proceeded to Arusha in Tanzania where I met up with a
missionary friend from Pakistan called John Israel who also arranged
our meetings last year and this year he arranged a meeting for me with
a big Bishop in Arusha called Somi who apparently oversees over 850
churches in Tanzania and I stayed with the Bishop for 4 nights and I
had an opportunity to do a three days Word school with one of his
bishops in Arusha and they embraced the gospel of grace and the
unconditional love of the Father being unveiled in the Mirror message
and they have already booked for four days for 2019.
I then concluded in Mbeya where I was with Bishop Nazareth Nkubu who
hosted us together with Francois in 2007 and Rev Zephania Mwalusambo
and we had such an amazing time with the Saints and God opened another
opportunity through my presence in Mbeya,
Thank you so much, my precious beloved brother, Francois and Lydia
you’re a complete blessing to us and we treasure our knowing you.
Love and blessings
Carol and Cliff Moon Testimony

Wonderful testimony by Carol and Cliff Moon from Hawaii

The Mirror Word must be our most valued Treasure in our home. It brought us Truth and Life. To find the Truth that was in our hearts all along cannot be measured. The Mirror Word brought forth the deep resonance of our Father’s heart and joined ours in complete oneness, never again to be separated from His intent and influence. Almost 37 years ago upon awakening to the God’s Voice in Jesus Christ, I heard in the depths of my being, “You are My joy. You are My fulfillment. What pleasure I have.” I could never forget that experience of union with God and then spent all those years searching for it in all the wrong religious circles. I was trying to please Him enough just to hear even a portion of those words again. Because of your faithfulness to write the heart of our Father in the Mirror Word, I know I am pleasing to Him and experience His love words all the time and whether at low or high times, His presence abides in assurance. There is hardly a week that goes by that I don’t find my husband rejoicing, shouting and weeping for joy because of the Romance he has found. He knows he is secure in Love Himself.

We are so grateful to you, Francois, and to Lydia!

Celebrating that He rules the world with Truth and Grace and rejoicing in the Word of the Father now in flesh appearing.

David Mcclymont Testimony

Another beautiful mirror testimony we received a few days ago!

Dear Papa Francois, oh my heart is so thankful for you. God has used you to bring me the freedom of my redeemed innocence. There is a group of us in Harrisburg PA USA who are exploding in revival and love because of how you have translated the word as well as how your preaching reflects Christ. One of our friends randomly showed us the Mirror Bible and it has been game over since then. The Bible has had clarity that it never had before and it leads us in a “daily revival”. It has given us language for the finished work of Jesus and it has brought person after person into a changed mind and heart. What can we say but that we are so thankful for your faithfulness and delight in the work of the Lord. We are so thankful for taking so much heat for the Gospel and for displaying it properly. God is using you here in the US again and again. You truly are our Papa in the faith.


The word paraphrase doesn’t really communicate what the Mirror is all about. Through language that captures the essential spirit and message of the original authors combined with the presentation of thorougly researched word studies set along with the text the Mirror Bible provides an experience as close to that of a first century Christ Follower reading a letter to the Church from one of the first apostles as possible.

The presentation of the first chapter of the Gospel of John by itself is more than worth the price of the book.
Almost everyone I have shared the Mirror experience with has said something similar to “if the Apostle Paul’s native language had been English this is how his letters would read.”

Goede Nieuws (Dutch)

Het goede nieuws verkondigt het feit dat God de mensheid verlost heeft door de verdiensten van Zijn Zoon; “God was in Christus toen Hij de wereld met Zichzelf verzoende”; 2 Cor. 5:19

Zou dit betekenen dat de wereld onschuldig staat zoals verklaard in het Evangelie, of schuldig zoals geopenbaard door de wet?

Indien de wereld nog steeds schuldig tegenover God staat, kan dat slechts het gevolg van twee dingen zijn: Òf het kruis was onsuccesvol, òf de mens vertolkt en verkondigt de gevolgen van de dood en opstandig van Christus verkeerd!

Ruth Ann Ki (German)

Selbst-Prüfung hat nichts mit „verborgene Sünden und Mängel finden“ zu tun. Es geht vielmehr darum, Christus in dir zu erkennen. 3. Kor. 5,8 Mirror Wow!!!
Ich ermutige dich, deine Stärke im Meister zu erkennen. Deine Einheit mit IHM ist deine unbegrenzte Stärke. (Eph. 6,10) Mirror

So oft sehen wir uns als das hässliche Entlein,-„ einen sündigen Sünder“- Aber Preis sei Gott! Wir wurden von Anfang an als der wunderschöne, weiße Schwan geschaffen, so wie Adam und Eva. Durch ihren Fall wurde unser Verstand wie mit einem Schleier verdeckt. So lebten wir das Leben eines hässlichen Entleins mit seinem Minderwertigkeitskomplex und sündigten, weil wir uns als Sünder sahen. Denn so, wie der Mensch denkt, so ist er. Aber durch den Tod Jesu wurde der Vorhang, der nicht nur im Tempel, sondern auch vor unseren Augen war, zerrissen, und nun können wir,- wie in einem Spiegel-, uns sehen, wer wir wirklich sind,- als schönen Schwan- und wie dieser Schwan auch leben- mit Christus gestorben, begraben, auferstanden und mit ihm an himmlischen Örtern sitzend. Halleluja.

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